Hear the unheard. Discover the best.

Freecords is an independent music platform focused on helping new and emerging artists reach new heights.
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Over 20,000 registered artists.
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Distribute your music

Distribute your music to 100+ platforms with just a click, completely free. Get statistics on how well it's performing. Keep 100% of your royalties.
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For artists - Unlimited, For Free.

Freecords is an artist-centric platform that provides you with all services an artist needs, for free and with no strings attached. Make great songs and reach new heights, however high you want them to be. Upload your songs to Freecords - get discovered, distribute to other platforms completely free, earn royalties, promote, get funded, and much more... Try it out yourself:
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Join The Club

See our free music distribution, The Club to distribute unlimited songs for Free and more