Unlimited uploads and exposure. Free Forever.

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Freecords empowers artists like you by providing everything you need for your musical journey – all for free! Make great songs and reach new heights, however high you want them to be. Upload music for free - get discovered, distribute to other platforms, earn royalties, promote, get funded, and much more... Try it out yourself:
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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Freecords
Why Should I Choose Freecords to Upload My Music?
Freecords lets you upload and distribute your music to 100+ platforms for free, without any hidden costs. We maintain transparency and give you full control, so you get to keep 100% of your royalties. We also increase your online presence, improving search rankings and your overall visibility, which is important for anyone getting started. With these benefits, Freecords is a choice for any artist wanting to start and scale their career.
How Can I Start Uploading My Music to Freecords?
Starting with Freecords is easy! First, you can click here to sign up by creating an account with a username (artist name), your email, and a password. Once your account is created, customize your artist profile to show your musical style. This helps fans get to know you better. Then, click the 'Upload' button to start uploading your music. After you upload your tracks, they’ll be available to listeners worldwide, helping you reach a broader audience almost immediately. Note that distribution takes a couple of weeks, depending on our in-house moderation and partner stores moderation. In the meantime, your music will still be available for discovery in our app.
What Kind of Support Does Freecords Offer to Artists?
Freecords offers support to artists with tools and resources that help increase the reach of your music. Freecords focuses on providing quick, human support, while some larger platforms often offer little to no help at all. Each artist at Freecords works with a dedicated account manager who assists in optimizing your music uploads and distribution. Freecords also supports you with promotion across social media and streaming services. This focused attention allows you to do what you truly want, creating music, while Freecords handles everything else.
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